***>>>PRELUDE START<<<***
SCENE> Avengers' Tower's heavily secured, hazardous materials room; War Machine is present and he is using the highly advanced, diverse, and sophisticated equipment to probe the little gift he was left.
TIME> 1:15P
ACTION> A cloud of gas floats about War Machine's helmet. His systems sealed in response and he's breathing his internal air supply even as his sensor reports come in that the gas is non-toxic or in any way, shape, or form dangerous.
WarMachine> ::studies the gas for a second:: ((could it be...perfume?)) ::uses his eqiupment to try and find out::
ACTION> The gas is a perfume that is vaguely familiar to Rhodey, but he cannot place from where. As he ponders the mystery it dawns on him that he missed his lunch date with "Ms. R".
WarMachine> ((damnit...forgot lunch with Ms. R...ill have to contact her and set up another date)) ::looks to his equipment:: ((maybe ill remember in more detail what this perfume was later, for now i should keep this locked up)) ::begins to put items back::
***>>>PRELUDE END<<<***
***>>>SIM START<<<***
SCENE> The WCA are cruising towards their compound in La Jolla in their new Quinjet that Jess is piloting, but they are horrified to see smoke billowing from the structure.
TIME> 4:15P (1:15P local)
Hellion> ::looks back at the others:: Nova, take a closer look to make sure that nobody is present or in danger at the compound
Hellion> ::looks for a clear area to land the quinjet:: ..that headquarters was very very expensive. ::eyes narrow a bit::
Nova> ::Scowls:: Great..never a dull moment..On it. ::Stands, moving to pop the hatch and flying out of the Quinjet, down towards the compound::
Felicia> ::Stares out the window, her legs crossed with a dark look on her face and new bag of items to fight with.::
Hellion> ::stands up and hits a switch on her beltbuckle which automatically morphs her outfit into a hi-tech looking biosuit:: The rest of us are going to check this out now.. look for anyone or anything suspicious
Hellion> ::rushes towards the compound:: Do we have any hired help or otherwise inside this building? ::glances at the others::
***>>>SIM PAUSE<<<***
SCENE> A stealth hellicopter flying north over the South China Sea.
TIME> 2:25P (Wednesday, 5:25A local)
Pilot> [[We are approaching the coordinates now, sir.]] ::spoken in mandarin::
Man> [[Excellant, are you certain we will not be detected?]]
Co-Pilot> [[No, sir, no one shall see through our deception until it is far too late.]] ::looks to the pilot::
Pilot> [[Are you sure this is the way, sir? Surely our actions here today will incite a war!]]
Man> [[And a new world order will be born out of the ashes, my world order!]] ::evil laughter::
***>>>INTERLUDE END<<<***
***>>>SIM RESUME<<<***
SCENE> Avengers' Tower. The ECA are gathered in the training room for general cardio and strength training.
TIME> 2:35P
Songbird> ::walks up to Pym:: Umm.. Doctor.. was kinda wondering if I could have a quick word with you.. ::voice a little timid::
Parasite> ::Does pull up, counting in Russian to herself.::
DrPym> ::sets his science journal down on the bike as he slows his pedaling to complete stop:: What's the problem?
Songbird> I saw something..in the mirror and I don't know what to make of it.. could be stress but.. I don't know..
Songbird> I.. ::takes a deep breath:: saw myself age and die in the mirror.. and it looked so real..
Parasite> ::Struggles to keep her grip on the bars.::
DrPym> Hmm.. ::concerned face as he steps down off of the bike to face songbird:: Are you sure it wasn't some sort of daydream? With everything you've gone through recently..
Ricochet`> ::Lays back on a weight bench, his eyes closed and quiet snoring being heard::
Songbird> What scares me is that I know I've never been the most stable person.. especially from my past but.. was there anything you can do to help me?
Parasite> Ahh..! ::Her grip slips from the bars and she lands hard on the floor.:: Oww... ::Mutters rather colorful terms.::
Ricochet`> ::Mumbles in his sleep, looking more than a little worn out, his hands gripping on the weight bar, but not lifting it off it's stand::
Songbird> I'm just afraid.. what if it gets worse and I do something to hurt anyone here..
ACTION> As Parasite, rises to her feet and looks around the room. She sees the other Avengers swoon and die as though they were afflicted by her powers and she gets the resulting rush of energy.
Songbird> ::shakes her head:: maybe I should just get more sleep.. ::embarrassed smile::
Parasite> ... Neyt..! ::Eyes widen as she watches the others die.:: What's going on!?
DrPym> No, if you think there's something wrong, then will look into it. ::places his hand on songbird's shoulder reassuringly::
Songbird> ::glances over at Ricochet and hums a bit, quickly created a couple of pink energy muscle arms to help lift the weight:: Maybe you oughta just take a break, Ricoche.. ::stops and looks over at Parasite::
Songbird> Doctor.. it's Parasite..
Songbird> ::rushes over to her:: Hey.. you alright? ::waves a hand in front of Parasite's face::
Parasite> ::Stumbles slightly, looking around terrorifed.::
Ricochet`> Huhwha? ::Opens his eyes groggily, then looks up, his eyes darting around as he holds onto the weight bar:: I..wasn't asleep!
ACTION> Parasite see Songbird approaching her but she looks evil and demonic now, as though she wishes to punish Parasite for what she has done.
Songbird> Whoa.. Parasite what's wrong? ((Did she see something like I did?))
Parasite> ::speaks in Russian.:: [[I didn't mean to kill them...!!]] ::Backs away from Songbird.:: [[Please...! Don't hurt me! I didn't mean to kill anyone!]]
ACTION> As Ricochet looks up, he sees that he's being spotted by Spider-Man himself. He also notices that the weight is far too much for him to lift on his own.
Songbird> ::confused look:: I..don't understand what you're saying, I don't speak russian
Songbird> Please, Parasite.. don't be afraid.. we're your friends ::reaches out towards her::
DrPym> Everyone, please, calm down! Someone is obviously playing games with us and we're just playing right into their hands if we--
Ricochet`> ...Ahh! Whatthe..Spidey! Erk! ::Almost gets choked by the weight bar as he loses his grip and it sinks down to his chest:: Little..help..?
ACTION> Alarms start to blare throughout the facility.
Songbird> ::covers her ears reflexively:: What's going on here?!
Songbird> ::glances at Pym:: I'll.. go check the monitors?
ACTION> Spider-Man begins to chastise Ricochet. He's saying things like he'll never be as good a hero as he is and all the while the weight chokes Ricochet.
Songbird> ::looks around warily:: I shouldn't leave them though..
DrPym> You stay here.. I'll find out what's going on.. ::runs off towards the monitor room::
Parasite> ::Sobs harder, covering her face and crying harder.::
Songbird> ::nods:: Okay.. ::looks at the others;: Guys.. it's okay.. Doctor Pym thinks it's just some kind of illusion
Ricochet`> ...Erk! ::Struggles to push the weight off of him:: ((Maybe..he's right..I don't know why I keep doing this..))
Songbird> ::quickly cries out creating a giant fist to pull the weight away from Ricochet before he hurts himself::
ACTION> Ricochet and Parasite are so afflicted by their illusions that they are beyond the reach of Songbird's rationale.
Songbird> ::quickly goes to Parasite:: C'mon.. you have to break out of it you guys
ACTION> Songbird hears a familiar voice calling to her from behind.
Voice> You stole my body.. you stole my life.. it isn't fair!
Songbird> ::freezes up and whispers to herself:: this..isn't real.. it's not real.. ::glances at the voice behind her::
Shift> ::runs towards the monitor room, going to figure out whats happening::
WarMachine> ::moving down the hall towards the monitor room to find out whats making the alarms go off:: perfect timing.. ::slightly angerly lok on his face::
Ricochet`> ::Gasps for breathe, looking at Spidey and briefly closing his eyes:: ((What have I done, anyways? I mean..I pretty much just..get in the way, around here..I mean..my powers are a joke..No..I'm the joke..))
Parasite> ::Stops sobing but still sheads tears and keeps backing away on her hands away from Songbird.::
ACTION> Songbird is floored by an illusionary sonic wall.
Songbird> oof! ::slides down to a sitting position:: wha..? ::groggily looks forward:: It can't be..
ACTION> War Machine finds Dr. Pym in the coridoor fighting with an invisible opponent.
Parasite> ::Gets up, seeing the 'demon' halt and tries to run away from the gym room.::
WarMachine> ::stops a few feet away from Dr.Pym:: let me guess.... shadow boxing?
ACTION> War Machine is impacted by an illusionary repulsor beam.
WarMachine> ::files back on his back:: what the sh- ::looks around:: ((repulsor beam!?!))
Shift> ::looks around:: ((this door, isnt it?)) ::opens the door, hoping to find the monitor room::
Parasite> ::Stumbles to the door and tries to open it.::
ACTION> Shift arrives in the monitor room. A map of southeast Asia on the display. There is a blinking light in the Taiwan Strait and the printer is kicking out logistical data.
Songbird> ::slowly stands back on her feet and glares:: No.. I didn't have a choice.. just leave me alone!! ::with that last word creates a sonic blast of her own at her target::
ACTION> Iron Man full-on assualts War Machine with an armor far superior to his own.
Shift> alrighty ::walks towards the printer:: wheres everyone else?
DrPym> Iron Man> It's time we settled who's the better man behind the Iron Mask.
WarMachine> ::tries to fight back with repulsor beam as he tries to stand:: Tony!!?! what are you doing!?!
Ricochet`> ::Closes his eyes tightly:: ((All I do is joke around..I'm no hero..I mean..my main method of attack is throwing miniature frisbees..What kind of hero throws discs? I should just..leave..))
Shift> ::pulls the sheet from the printer once its done and looks at it;;
Songbird> ((Melissa.. this isn't real remember? keep this up and you're going to injure someone::
Songbird> ::closes her eyes:: Parasite? Ricochet?
Parasite> ::Claws at the door, still babbling in Russian and trying escape the gym.::
Songbird> ::opens her eyes again:: Parasite..! Snap out of it!
ACTION> As Shift begins to read the print-out he discovers to his shock and horror that a low yield nuclear detonation has taken place in the Taiwan Strait.
Songbird> I'm really sorry about this but.. ::slaps Parasite across the face:: Wake up!
ACTION> The illusions slowly fade allowing the Avengers to come around to their normal state of mind.
Shift> oh my..... +com+ umm, guys, will someone get in here, there has been a neuclear detonation in the Taiwan Strait.. i think
Songbird> ::eyes widen:: What?
Ricochet`> ::Slowly opens his eyes:: What..? He's..gone? Where'd Spidey..? ::Confused look:: What was that..?
Songbird> I hope that's just an illusion..
Songbird> ::rushes towards the monitor room::
WarMachine> ::stands and look at the holes in the ceiling then looks to Dr.Pym:: what the hell was that?!
Parasite> ::Flinches, the slap not hurting her but surpsing her.::
DrPym> ::holds his hands to his head:: I wish I knew..
Songbird> ::gives Parasite an apologetic glance:: sorry about that..
Parasite> ... What... everyone was dead.
Songbird> no no.. it was all in your mind.. we all saw something different
Songbird> like our worst fears...
Shift> ::taps com a few times:: someone? this thing on?
WarMachine> well we should get to the monitor room, maybe it will have some answers ::heads for the monitor room again:: ((somebody is messing with my memories...and when i find them....))
Parasite> ::An expression of total confusion is on her face.:: But... I... I feel sick.
Ricochet`> ..Okay..Is it me, or did that completely suck? ::Rubs his eyes, sitting up::
Songbird> ;:enters the montior room:: Shift? What's going on
Songbird> tell me you were dreaming.. ::glances at the monitors::
Shift> ::hands songbird the readout:: dreaming? im wide awake
WarMachine> ::steps into the montior room:: alright, what the hell is going on?
Songbird> ::looks it over and sits down:: oh god.. how many are dead..?
Shift> i want to know where the hell all of you were?
Parasite> ::Looks at Ricochet as if he said the most under estimated thing on earth and walks towards the the montior room.::
Songbird> we were in the.. ::gasps:: Doctor Pym.. he left to go check out what was going on!
Songbird> We have to find him.. he might be going through the same thing we did ::heads for the exit::
Ricochet`> ...Well, it did! ::Rubs his eyes, lowering his mask back down, as he moves to head after the others:: ((It was all in your head..just..let it go..))
WarMachine> hes fine ::looks to songbird::
DrPym> ::staggers into the monitor room almost walking into songbird, he looks rather pale::
DrPym> What's.. going on?
Songbird> oh.. good.. ::looks at Pym:: You went through the same thing as us?
Parasite> ::Walks into the monitor room, looking quietly at Pym.:: Are you okay...?
Shift> ::blinks:: what same thing? would someone tell me whats happening?
Songbird> it was like.. someone made our worst nightmares real..
DrPym> I'm fine.. now someone tell me why the alarms went off.
Songbird> ::hands Pym the readouts::
Songbird> ...that's why..
DrPym> ::scans the pages:: My God.. suit up people.. we've got to handle this before it turns into World War III..
DrPym> Whatever happened back there.. happened.. we have to put it behind us and do our job.. lives our at stake!
Parasite> ::Look of total confusion is on her face.::
Songbird> ::nods:: okay.. I'm all ready to help.
Shift> ::Shifts into his uniform:: damn right ::runs towards the jet::
Ricochet`> ..Right..it never happened and all that? ::Slightly nervous look, behind his mask::
Parasite> World War III? Really?
WarMachine> all ready to go ::crosses his arms looking to Pym::
Songbird> What do we have to do, Dr. Pym?
***>>>SIM END, TBC<<<***
***>>>EPILOGUE START<<<***
SCENE> An office in one of the neighboring buildings to Avengers' Towers.
TIME> 3:45P
Man> I-I'm sorry.. dad.. p-please forgive me.. ::raises the gun to his mouth::
***>>>EPILOGUE END<<<***