Code Name: Dominex

See Also: N/A

Real Name: Dominex

Other Known Aliases: NONE


Place of Birth: Arizona, United States of America

Origin: Technological Construct

Powers: Sleep-inducing somni-rays, protective force shields, optic and tactile plasma blasts

Skills: N/A

Equipment: N/A

Physical Attributes:
  • Gender: N/A
  • Age: N/A
  • Height: 20'
  • Weight: 3.5t
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Eye color: Green
  • Ethnic/racial background: N/A
  • Other distinguishing features: None
Psychological Attributes:
  • Noteworthy relatives: N/A
  • Personality:
  • History: Hawkeye, who has assumed the leadership of the Thunderbolts, led the team to the abandoned Dominus base in the desert to make use of it as a remote headquarters for the team. As the Thunderbolts explored the cavernous underground structure the Avengers arrived on the surface. An eruption took place and a robotic creature named Dominex emerged using the base's technology as well as a Quinjet to form a body for itsel. It declared that it had been programmed by Dominus to destroy the world for its defiance. Dominex then activated Somni-Rays that knocks the Avengers unconscious. Dominex plodded west, warding off attacks from military airstrikes. He was proceeding to the Murray Fracture Zone to explode, which would have created seismic and tidal destruction and water will be turned into radioactive vapor. The Avengers also attacked Dominex with no success, but they managed to comm link with Hawkeye inside the robot. The Thunderbolts are destroyed everything they can find inside the alien construct while the Avengers demolished the exterior. After a quick review of the robot's schematics, Pym located a command module, which shut down Dominex.