Code Name: Captain Marvel

See Also: Rick Jones

Real Name: Genis-Vell

Other Known Aliases: Legacy

Status: ACTIVE

Place of Birth: Titan, moon of Saturn

Origin: Extraterrestrial, Genetically Enhanced, Technologically Enhanced

Powers: Solar energy absorption, superhuman strength, flight, and energy blasts; cosmic awareness


Equipment: The Nega-Bands' (flight, faster-than-light travel, enhanced strength & durability, the ability to survive unprotected in the vacuum of space, quick change, telepathic bond to Rick Jones) power source is a link to the otherdimensional antimatter realm known as the Negative Zone. Genis has used the bands to create force screens and force bolts composed of intermingled matter and anti-matter through the bands’ link to the Negative Zone. Genis has also used the bands to analyze and track energy signatures, and, by following an energy trail, he can teleport from its place of origin to its destination. Genis has a "subdermal translator", an artificial mechanical implant beneath his skin which enables him to analyze and understand most languages in a relatively short span of time.

Physical Attributes:
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 3 (chronologically), 25 (mentally), 35 (physically)
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 195lbs.
  • Hair color: White
  • Eye color: White
  • Ethnic/racial background: White Kree & Titan Eternal
  • Other distinguishing features:
Psychological Attributes:
  • Personality:
  • History: The current Captain Marvel is the prodigal son of the late, original Captain Marvel, the legendary alien hero Mar-Vell. After Mar-Vell died of cancer, his lover Elysius used Mar-Vell’s genetic material to conceive her son, Genis. To protect Genis from Mar-Vell’s many enemies, the child was artificially aged to adulthood in a very short span of time and imbued with false memories of growing up on Titan among his late father’s friends and associates. Originally, Genis squandered his life, roaming the universe as a hedonist and gambler. He was saved from a bar brawl by the alien Silver Surfer, who set in motion the events that led Genis to learn his true nature. Learning of his heroic heritage and donning replicas of his father’s nega-bands, Genis, calling himself Legacy, became an explorer and an adventurer like his father, albeit a rather rash and unwise adventurer at first, one regarded by many as a dissolute buffoon unworthy of his father’s legacy. Regardless, Genis gradually became known as the new Captain Marvel thanks to his father’s reputation, and despite his own reluctance to assume that title.

    Meanwhile, an Earth heroine (Monica Rambeau) had long since established herself as a new Captain Marvel, but she conceded the title to Genis out of respect for Mar-Vell’s legacy after Genis and Rambeau teamed up to defeat the Controller with assistance from Rambeau’s hero team, the Avengers. Shortly after his encounter with Rambeau, Genis finally accepted the Captain Marvel title as his own after winning a victory over homicidal madman Zey-Rogg, son of Mar-Vell’s late arch-enemy Yon-Rogg.

    Genis has been gradually maturing into his inherited role as a hero, but is still living down a reputation as a shallow fool thanks to his earlier, less impressive exploits. As a longtime friend and former partner of Mar-Vell, adventurer Rick Jones resents Mar-Vell’s instant heir Genis and has little respect for the junior Captain Marvel. Jones and Genis quarreled bitterly in their first meeting, during which Jones exploited Genis on his TV talk show and an angry Genis trashed Jones’s studio.

    When the Avengers became involved in the time-spanning cosmic conflict known as "The Destiny War", the mystery man Libra used Rick Jones’s latent psionic powers to assemble a band of Avengers from various time periods, including the present-day Jones (a longtime honorary Avenger) and a future incarnation of Captain Marvel, an older and more mature Genis with more experience and greater powers. Apparently, in at least one timeline, Genis was destined to become a member of the Avengers as the new Captain Marvel, a prospect that Jones found discouraging. The future-era Genis, for his part, seemed unusually bitter and fatalistic, and his bad feelings seemed to focus on Jones. Setting aside their various differences, Jones, Genis and the other Avengers joined forces to win the Destiny War by thwarting the Time Keepers’ attempted destruction of most of the timestream’s humanity-populated timelines. During the climax of this conflict, Jones suffered fatal injuries while destroying the Time-Keepers’ chrono-cannon. To save Jones’s life, the future Genis reluctantly merged his form and life force with that of Jones, just as the original Captain Marvel had shared a symbiotic relationship with Jones years earlier.

    When Jones returned from the Destiny War to the present day, the present-day Genis was surprised to find himself automatically taking his future self’s place in the symbiotic relationship with Jones. The present-day Genis assumed the altered appearance and enhanced powers of his future self in the process, but was still greatly distressed to be trapped in a shared existence with a man he despised. Jones was no happier about it, but the reluctant duo have since begun to adjust to their situation. The experienced adventurer Jones serves as mentor to the novice hero Genis, and together they battle evil as the new Captain Marvel.